Mount Gilead Baptist Church
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Constitution and by=laws




    In order that we may preserve, secure and pass on the principles of our faith, and to the end that this Christian body do so in an orderly manner, consistent with the principles of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, and for the purpose of preserving the liberties inherent in each individual member of this church, and the freedom of action of this body with respect to, and in relation to other churches of like faith and order, we do declare, establish and set forth this constitution and bylaws.





Name, Incorporation, Relationships, and Objectives


Section 1: The Name

    The name of this church will be Mount Gilead Baptist Church of (Goochland County) Tabscott, Virginia.


Section 2: Incorporation

    This was authorized under warrant of the Holy Scriptures, and was incorporated under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Virginia on November 17, 1831.


Section 3: Retention of the Church Properties

    Should the membership of this church become disrupted to the extent of causing division of the body into two or more groups, the group remaining in fellowship with the Baptist General Association of Virginia will have full and free access to, and will retain in their possession the titles to all church properties.


Section 4: Relationships

    This church is to be self-governing and by vote of its constitution will voluntarily cooperate with the Goshen Baptist Association, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and the Baptist General Association of Virginia.


Section 5: The Major Objectives of the Church

A.      To experience an awareness of God’s presence and to

respond in loving obedience through worship.

B.      To proclaim the mighty acts of God in Christ Jesus.

C.      To educate in the Christian faith and Christian life.

D.      To minister in Jesus’ name through responsible action in

meeting the needs of all members.

E.       To determine the constituency which the church is to seek

to serve.

F.       To provide programs, leaders and facilities for the

membership of this church.

G.      To provide programs and administrative services suitable to

the church’s function, constituency and size.

H.      To be consistent in seeking the salvation of lost souls


I.         To be constant in the spirit of Christ to oppose evil.



Articles of Faith


    The articles of faith are statements of what we generally accept as our Baptist Doctrine. These statements are Biblically based and are supported by selected verses from the Bible.


The Bible

    We believe the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is the record of Godī€§’s revelation of Himself to humanity. (John 20:31, II Timothy 3:15-17, II Peter 1:19-21)


The Trinity

    We believe in one God who has made Himself known to us in three separate, personal and eternal manifestations. God has revealed himself (1) as a loving Father who reigns with providential care over his universe and his creatures. The Father is all knowing, is everywhere present, and with loving influence is drawing all creation toward redemption. (2) Christ is the eternal Son of God. He became a man and identified Himself with humanity, yet was without sin. He willingly gave his life as the once for all sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. (3) The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He inspired holy men to write the Scriptures. He exalts Christ. He convicts of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. (John 4:24, 6:44, Ephesians 4:6, I Timothy 1:17, II Peter 1:21, I John 1:7-9, 4:14-16)



    We believe humans were created by the special act of God, in His own image, and are the crowning work of His creation. In the beginning humans were innocent of sin and were endowed by their Creator with freedom of choice. By free choice, man sinned against God and brought sin into the human race. Through the temptation of Satan man transgressed the command of God, and fell from original innocence; whereby, future generations are prone to sin, and as soon as they are capable of moral action become transgressors and are under condemnation. Only the grace of God can bring humanity into His holy fellowship and enable them to fulfill the creative purpose of God. (Genesis 1:26-30, 2:7, 9:6, Psalm 8:3-6, 51:5, Galatians 5:13)



    We believe salvation involves the redemption of the whole man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. (John 1:11-14, 3:15-17, Ephesians 2:8-22)


The Church

    We believe a New Testament Church of Jesus Christ is a local body of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in faith and fellowship of the Gospel. This Church is an autonomous body, operating through democratic processes under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The New Testament speaks of the Church as the body of Christ, which includes all of the redeemed of all ages. (Matthew 16:15-19, Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:18)


Baptism and Lord’s Supper

    We believe Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby all Christians memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His Second Coming. (Matthew 3:13-17; Romans 6:3-5, I Corinthians 11:23-29)


Last Things

    We believe God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised, and Jesus Christ will judge all persons in righteousness. (John 14:1-3, I Thessalonians 4:13-5:3, Revelation 20:11-15)


Evangelism and Missions

    We believe it is the duty and privilege of every Christian and of every church to endeavor to make disciples of all nations. It is the duty of every child of God to seek constantly to win the lost to Christ by personal effort and by all methods in harmony with the Gospel of Christ. (Matthew 28:18-20, John 21:15-17, Romans 10:13-15)



    We believe God is the source of all blessings, temporal and spiritual; all that we have and are we owe to Him. According to the Scriptures, Christians should contribute of their means cheerfully, regularly, systematically, proportionately and liberally for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. (Numbers 18:26, Malachi 3:8-10, I Corinthians 4:1-2, II Corinthians 9:6-7)



    We believe Christian unity in the New Testament sense is spiritual harmony and voluntary cooperation for common ends by various groups of Christ’s people. Christians should, as occasions require, cooperate with associations and conventions to aid each other in the projects for the promotion of the Kingdom of God. (Acts 1:13-14, I Corinthians 12:12-31)


The Christian and the Social Order

    We believe every Christian is under obligation to seek to make the will of God supreme in his own life and in human society. Means and methods used for the improvement of society and for the establishment of righteousness among men can be truly and permanently helpful only when they are rooted in the regeneration of the individual. (Deuteronomy 10:12, Micah 6:8, Philemon; James 1:27, 2:8)


Religious Liberty

    We believe church and state should be separate. A free church in a free state is the Christian ideal, and this implies the right of free and unhindered access to God on the part of all men and the right of opinions in the sphere of religion without interference by civil power. (Matthew 22:17-21)




    Having been led, as we believe by the spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into this covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


    We promise, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.


    We also promise to maintain family and private devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid gossiping, excessive anger and the abuse of alcohol and other drugs; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.


    We further promise to watch over one another in Christian love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior, to secure it without delay.


    We promise that when we move, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of the Bible.




Church Government


Section 1: Self-Governing

    This church is an autonomous, self-governing body of believers functioning under the lordship of Jesus Christ and the direction of the Holy Spirit. The government of this church will be in the hands of its members who practice the priesthood of believers democratically, with equal voting privileges and powers and privileges being derived from its congregational body. Powers so granted would be only as necessary to the performance of the duty or task assigned. The officers of the church will be elected by and accountable only to the church.


Section 2: The Church Year

    The church year will be from October the first through September the thirtieth.


Section 3: Business Meeting and Worship Services

A.     Church Business Meetings

1.      Frequency: The business of the church will be

transacted at the regular quarterly business meeting which is to be held on the Monday after the third Sunday in the months of January, April, July, and October.  Special meetings for business may be called by the pastor with and upon notice to the deacons, upon the request of at least seven deacons notifying the pastor and remaining deacons, or upon written request by at least fifteen members to the deacons and the pastor, all of which requires two weeks’ notice followed by a full week notice to the congregation; object of called meeting must be clearly stated and no business will be transacted other than the announced business.

2.      Moderator: The Church shall annually in its July

business meeting elect a Church Moderator and a Vice-Moderator.  In their absence or upon their request the Chairman of Deacons shall serve.

3.      Quorum to Conduct Business: At all business meetings,

an attendance of at least twenty members will be required before official business may be presented and acted upon.

4.      Voting Membership: Only church members have the

right and privilege to vote on matters of church business.

5.      Order of Business: Robert’s Rules of Order will govern

the conducting of business at all church business meetings.

B.      Church Worship Services

1.      Regular Worship Services:  For public worship,

instruction, and evangelism, regular services will be held for the entire membership and for all people, each Lord’s Day morning and Bible Study each Wednesday evening, unless otherwise announced.

2.      Other Services: Other services will be held as

recommended by the pastor and the deacons.

3.      The Lord’s Supper: The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper

will be observed the first Sunday of each month unless otherwise suggested by the pastor and the deacons.

4.      Miscellaneous: At any of the regular meetings for

worship the church may, without special notice, act upon the reception of members, or upon the dismissal of members to other churches, and upon the appointment of messengers to meetings or conventions.


Section 4: Trustees

A.     The church will have three Trustees (one acting as

chairperson), nominated by the Deacons and elected by the church until removal, resignation or death. The court must sanction each Trustee.

B.     These Trustees will act as the legal representatives of the

church as a corporate body. They will hold title to the church properties, but will have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any property without the specific vote of the church authorizing such action, and where it is so authorized will execute all required documents as directed by the church. They will authorize the payment of any funds for building activities, upon the action of the church. They will discharge all other duties as legally come under their jurisdiction. They will have no policy making power.








Section 1: Reception of Members

    Members may be received into the fellowship of this church in the following ways:

A.      Baptism: Any person professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

as his personal Savior and desiring to follow Him in obedience and service, at his request, may, upon a vote of the church, and immersion, be received into its membership. A person whose physical condition does not permit baptism will be accepted without immersion.

B.      Letter: Any person to whom the ordinance of Believer’s

Baptism has been administered by immersion, may be received from another church of like faith and order upon a vote of the church and receipt of a letter of transfer from that church.

C.      Statement of Experience: Any person to whom the

ordinance of Baptism has been administered by immersion, may upon a vote of the church, be received upon the statement of his experience and faith in Christ.


Section 2: Duties of the Membership

    The members of this church are expected to be faithful in all the duties essential to the Christian life, and to attend habitually the services of this church, to give regularly and systematically for its support and its causes, and to share in its organizational work.


Section 3: Rights of Membership

    Each church member is entitled to vote on matters of business at all church business meetings.


Section 4: Termination of Membership

    The continuance of membership will be subject to the principles and usage of the Baptist churches of like faith and order, especially the following:

A.    Letter: Any member who desires a letter of dismissal and

recommendation to any other Baptist church is entitled to receive it upon his request.

B.     Resignation: If a member requests to be removed from the

church roll, his request will be granted.

C.     Removal from Church Roll: When a member unites with some

other church and the information is properly authenticated his name will be removed from the church roll.




Church Officers and Their Duties


Section 1: The Pastor

A.      Selection 

A Pastor Search Team as elected by the church will nominate the Pastor. It will organize and proceed prayerfully to look for a pastor whom they can, and will, unanimously recommend to the church. One candidate is to be presented at a time. The election of the Pastor will be by three fourths of the total vote (by private ballot or by voting signs as the church desires) at a congregational meeting of the church for that purpose, after a one-week notice of such a meeting to the total constituency.

B.      Duties 

     The Pastor will seek to perform the duties of that office with

all fidelity: to preach on the Lord’s Day; to conduct the Prayer Services of the church; to administer the ordinances as commanded in the New Testament; to visit prospects, the sick, bereaved, and the lost, in partnership with members of the congregation; to make himself available as counselor; to examine all candidates for baptism as to their conversion experience; to instruct all new members as to their duties and privileges of membership and to perform such other duties that usually pertain to that office. All special services will be overseen by the Pastor.  A covenant shall be negotiated annually with the Pastor and the Church.  The Pastor will be an ex-officio member of all teams and will be granted audience by the deacons and all teams for the purpose of overseeing the total overall ministry and mission of the church and expressing his views.

C.      Tenure 

The pastorate will be for an indefinite period of time or until the relationship is terminated by mutual consent.  The parties shall negotiate an appropriate separation, when needed using the covenant as its guidelines.  


Section 2: Other Church Staff

A.  Ministerial Staff will be acquired as necessary by a vote of the church and to be accountable to the Pastor on a day to day basis and work in conjunction with church teams related to them

B.  Church Administrative Assistant

The Administrative Assistant will have the responsibilities of preparing weekly church bulletins and special bulletins as the occasion arises, receiving the mail in the absence of the pastor, maintaining the library bulletin board as specified herein, maintaining a current record of church medical equipment.  Information for this list will be the responsibility of the chairperson of the Property Team. He/she shall relate to and be supervised by the Pastor. In the event there is not a Pastor on the field, the Chair of the Deacons shall serve as the supervisor.


Section 3: Deacons

A.    Purpose

     Deacons are servants of the church, and do not give orders to the church, but receive instructions from the church. The Deacons should be organized to work in the spiritual life of the church, cooperating with the Pastor in spiritual leadership. To them he will bring the problems, the needs, the plans, the purposes, the difficulties, the opportunities and spiritual concerns of the church.

B.     Membership

1.      The active membership of the Deacons will consist of not

more than twelve, each of whom will be an active member of the church and able to participate in the affairs of the church. The increase or decrease in the Deacons total will be recommended by the Deacons to the church at a regularly scheduled business meeting.

2.      Emeritus status will be granted to deacons who have

faithfully served by action of the deacon body.

3.      All deacons ordained by this Church are welcome to

participate in discussion and activities of the active deacons but will not be voting members.

4.      When a new deacon is needed, the church membership will

be given the opportunity to recommend a candidate to the deacons and nominating team for consideration

C.    Qualifications

1.      General:  Each Deacon should be willing to serve in

such capacity and be fully conscious of the divine purpose and duties of the work of a Deacon.

2.      Moral: Each Deacon should be Christ-like in action,

serious minded, truthful, good stewards, and not given to the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

3.      Doctrinal: They should know and understand the

teachings of the Gospel, and the distinctive principles of their own denomination.

4.      Church Relationship:  They should be active, as much

as possible, in the church and its programs, principles, practice and support.

D.     Duties

  1. The Deacons will be zealous to guard the unity of the

spirit of the church.

  1. They will serve as a council of advice and conference

with the Pastor in all matters pertaining to the welfare and the work of the church.

  1. They will have general oversight of the spiritual needs

of the church.

  1. They will make quarterly reports and present

recommendations to the church in its regular business meeting.

  1. The Deacons and the Pastor will advise the various

organizations and officers of the church, offering advice and counsel if needed in performance of their elected duties.

  1. In the absence of the Pastor, the Chairman of the

Deacons or the Vice-Chairman will assume his duties insofar as they pertain to the business matters of the church.

  1. They will assist at the Lord’s Supper, and in the

absence of the Pastor, the Chairman of the Deacons will be responsible for overseeing that the Lord’s Supper is served.

  1. They will assist the Pastor in visitation.

  2. If at any time the Deacons feel that the objectives for

which the church is organized are not being carried out, they will take appropriate action, as they deem necessary by making recommendations to the church.

  1. The deacons will ensure that people are greeted at the

front door and offer assistance as necessary before Sunday school and Worship services with the assistance of others members as requested.

  1. In the absence of a pastor, the deacons will be

responsible for leading worship and seeing that the pulpit is supplied until a search team can be formed.

E.     Method of Procedure

1.      The Deacons will be organized as a unit for the

consideration of the problems and general policies of the church, and may organize themselves into such teams as their wisdom may direct for efficiency of service.

2.      They will select annually among themselves a Chairman,

Vice-Chairman and a Secretary.

3.      Ordination of new Deacons not previously ordained will

be conducted at a stated worship service of the church.

F.     Tenure

Active Deacons will be elected to serve four years, the year to be from October first to September thirtieth. Deacons will not be eligible to succeed themselves until one year has elapsed. One third will be elected annually for the term of four years. Vacancies that occur during the year will remain vacant until the next regular election of Deacons if possible. 


Section 4: Clerk or Assistant Clerk

The church will elect annually a Clerk and Assistant Clerk after nomination by the church Nominating Team. The Clerk will:

A.    Keep an accurate record of all the proceedings of the church.

B.     Keep an accurate register of the names, addresses and phone numbers of the members, with dates of admission, dismissing, death, and change of name by marriage, together with a record of baptisms.

C.     Prepare after each business meeting two copies of those minutes, one for the church file and one for the Pastor.

D.    Issue letters of dismissal voted by the church.

E.     Preserve and file all communications and written official reports. 

F.      Be responsible for keeping accurate records at all business meetings.

G.    Be responsible for informing members and teams not present or represented at a business meeting of any church action involving them.

H.    Arrange for subscriptions to the RELIGIOUS HERALD, the Virginia Baptist State paper, and also encourage the renewing of subscriptions to the paper.

I.       All minutes and records will be considered the property of the church.


Section 5: Church Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer

A.    The Treasurer and Assistant will be elected annually by the church after nomination by the church Nominating Team.

B.     By virtue of the office, the Treasurer will serve as a member of the Stewardship Team.

C.     The Treasurer will receive, preserve and pay out, upon receipt of properly signed invoices, according to the church’s financial plan.

D.    The Treasurer will keep an accurate record of all deposits.

E.     The Treasurer will present to the church at all regular business meetings a written report of all receipts and disbursements for the preceding quarter.

F.      The Treasurer will prepare and present to the church an annual written report of all financial proceedings.

G.    All books, records and accounts kept by the Treasurer will be considered the property of the church.


Section 6: The Financial Secretary

A.     The individual elected annually by the church after

nomination by the church Nominating Team to serve as the Financial Secretary will keep an accurate record of the offerings of the church.

B.     The Financial Secretary will prepare a statement of an

individual’s tithes and offerings to the church if so desired by the individual.

C.     The Financial Secretary will be responsible for the issuing of

the offering envelopes to the church.

D.     The Financial Secretary will be responsible for making timely

deposits of all church offerings.

E.       The Financial Secretary shall serve as an ex-officio member

of the Stewardship Team


Section 7: The Sunday School Director or Assistant Director

A.       The Sunday school Director and Assistant Director will be

elected annually by the church upon nomination by the church Nominating Team.

B.       When elected, the Director will work in close cooperation

with the Pastor in the administration of the policies and programs of the church for the Sunday school.

C.       The Director will assist the Nominating Team in the selection

and enlisting of qualified teachers for all groups in the Sunday school.

D.        The Director will see that quarterly reports are presented at

the church business meetings.

E.        The Sunday School Director shall serve as an ex-officio member

of the Education Team


Section 8: Discipleship Director

A   The Discipleship Director will be elected annually by the church upon the nomination by the Nominating Team

B   When elected, the Director will work in close cooperation with the Pastor in the administration of the special Bible Study and Spiritual Growth classes for the membership of the   church.

C.  The Discipleship Director Shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Education Team       


Section 9: Vacation Bible School Director

A   The Vacation Bible School Director will be elected annually by the church upon the nomination by the Nominating Team

B.  When elected, the Director will work in close cooperation with the Pastor, Education Team, Children and Youth Team and Evangelism in the administration of, the planning of and the promotion of Summer Vacation Bible School. Designing, recruiting leaders selecting and supplying leaders with the material needed to hold classes for all age groups possible.

C.  The Director shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Education Team


Section 10: The Woman’s Missionary Union Director

A.    The church will annually elect a Woman’s Missionary Union Director upon selection and approval of the church Nominating Team.

B.     The Woman’s Missionary Union Director will select annually in corporation with the Women of the Church any and all special Missions Education Leaders needed and recruit leaders as needed for Women’s Ministry groups or projects.

C.     She will upon election, counsel with the Pastor in the administration of the policies and programs of the church for the Woman’s Missionary Union.

D.    She will report for the Woman’s Missionary Union at the regular quarterly business meeting for her organization.

E.     The WMU will in coordination with the Pastor promote any and all Special Missions Offerings of the church


Section 11: The Baptist Men’s Director 

A.    The church will annually elect a Baptist Men’s Director upon selection and approval of the church Nominating Team.

B.     The Brotherhood Director will select annually, in cooperation with the Baptist Men’s organization, any leaders needed to carry out the Missions and ministry programs and projects of Baptist Men.

C.     He will, upon election, counsel with the Pastor in the administration of the policies and programs of the church for the Baptist Men.

D.     He will report for the Baptist Men at the regular quarterly business meeting for his organization.



Other Church Officers and Their Duties


Section 1: Publicity Coordinator

     The Publicity Coordinator will publicize the activities of the church in local newspapers, the RELIGIOUS HERALD, the Goshen Newsletter and other appropriate media, arranging for appropriate photographs and news releases at Church activities.


Section 2: Music Director

    The Music Director will have charge of all church music, including directing the adult choir, leading congregational singing, and will be available for leadership and consultation of all church music programs, in consultation with the Pastor.


Section 3: Librarian and Assistant Librarian

    The Librarian and Assistant Librarian will keep a record of all books in the church library and be available in the library as needed for the purpose of lending and receiving borrowed books along with any other printed or media resources.


Section 4: Pianist and Organist

     The Pianist and/or Organist will accompany the adult choir and play for the congregational singing at regular and special church services.


Section 5: Custodian

     The Custodian’s duties will be defined in a written contract prepared by the Property Team and approved by the church.


Section 6: Historian

    The Church Historian will keep an accurate history, (with dates and names when necessary), of all the important actions, events, and proceedings that occur in the life of the church.


Section 7: Representatives to the Goshen Association Council

    The church will appoint annually representatives to the Goshen Association Council. The number of representatives to this council will be determined by the Goshen Association.




Church Teams


Section 1: A Definition

     Church teams are study groups designed to help the church achieve its purposes and goals. A church team is not an autocratic self-determining group, but a servant of the church that establishes it and receives its reports. Unless specifically given power to act, a team does not take final action to commit the church until authorized by the church in a business meeting. No team member will act for the team as a whole without first being authorized to do so by the team.


Section 2: The Election and Term of Office

     All team members must be members of the church. All Team members will serve for three years after nomination by the church Nominating Team and election by the church.  Team members will not be eligible to succeed themselves until one year has elapsed.  One-third of the team will be elected annually for the term of three years.  The Nominating Team will serve for one year and will be elected by the church.


Section 3: Team Leaders

     The Team Leader of each standing team will be selected by the Nominating Team and approved by the church.


Section 4: Teams and Their Duties

A.  Nominating Team

      1.   The Nominating Team will consist of seven members,

     three who are elected by the church at the January business              meeting. These three will then nominate a Sunday School      Director, Woman’s Missionary Union Director, Brotherhood           Director, and Music Director. These four nominees are to be      presented to the church at the April business meeting. After             their election by the church the Sunday school Director,    Woman’s Missionary Union Director, Brotherhood Director,           and Music Director will be added to the already existing     team.

      2.  It will be the responsibility of this team to discover,

      interview, enlist and propose for election by the church at the          July business meeting such persons as are suitable to fill those            positions to which the church gives the team responsibility   for       nomination, such as church officers, Sunday school officers   and teachers, team members and Deacons. This team is  to be          careful to see that the official responsibilities be equally       distributed, as much as possible, among the eligible membership.

B.   Stewardship Team

      1. The Stewardship Team will be composed of seven            members.  The church treasurer will be the only permanent             member. 

      2.  Duties of this team

           a.  This team will be concerned with the financial affairs                  of the church. They will not make financial policy for the              church, but may make suggestions about policies. They                        will carry out the will of the church within the                                   financial plan of the church.

               b.  This team will make a study of the financial needs

               of the church and on the basis of their findings compile a                 suggested budget and present it to the church for                                   amending, if desired, and adoption at a called business                    meeting in September at which time a copy will be made              available to each member the Sunday prior to the called                   business meeting.

               c.  This team will seek to promote and encourage

               stewardship within the church.

       C.  Property Team

  1.  The Property Team will be composed of at least  six


  2.  This team will have general supervision of all church

properties, grounds and equipment to see that they are      kept clean and in good condition. They will have the responsibility of overseeing all maintenance services.  They will also authorize necessary repairs and upkeep to the church not to exceed the amount provided in the church budget; unless considered and approved by the church.  This team will oversee the duties of the custodian and groundskeeper.

D.  Evangelism Team

1.      The Evangelism and Missions Team will consist of at

least six members.

2.  The Pastor shall serve as team leader.

3.  The team will work towards the planning, promotion,

action and implementation of all church wide efforts of evangelistic outreach and services. 

4.  The team will be responsible for the organization and

oversight of the homebound, tape ministries and ministries related to them.



E.  Music Team

      1.   The Music Team will consist of the Music Director,

choir director, the Pastor, the pianist and/or organist.

 2.   The Music Team will have oversight of the church music program. In case of a vacancy, they will be charged with the responsibility of providing a Pianist, Organist, or Music Director for the church. This team will also have charge of the development of the music program.

F. Auditing Team

1.  The Auditing Team will consist of three members of the


2.  This team will audit all church financial records in

November of each year and make a formal written report to the church at the regular quarterly business meeting in January.

3.  This team will audit all Cemetery and Preschool financial

records in February and/or March of each year and make a formal written report to the church at the regular quarterly business meeting in April.

G. Baptism Team

     1.  The Baptism Team will consist of at least three


 2.   The Baptism Team will aid the Pastor with Baptismal

services. They must be present whenever Baptism is being observed, see that the baptistry is prepared, care for all vestments and garments, and aid the candidates in their preparation for the ordinance.

H.  Education Team

      The Education Team will consist of the Sunday School Director and Asst. Director, the Discipleship Director, the Vacation Bible School Director, the Pastor, and at least three members at large. The team will assist each Director in the carrying out of their programs and will ensure that classes have adequate facilities and materials to meet their needs.

I. The Flower Team

1.       The Flower Team will be composed of at least three


2.      It will be the duty of this team to arrange for flowers to

be placed in the church for the regular Sunday services and for special occasions or services. This team is to see that the flowers, if possible, are taken to the sick or shut-in members of the church. It will also be the Flower Team’s responsibility to secure flowers for the funeral of a deceased church member. If the family of the deceased requests that a contribution be made to an organization in lieu of flowers, the team will do so.  The purchase of the flowers or contribution made in lieu of flowers will not exceed $50.00 plus any delivery or shipping charges. 

J. Recreation Team

1.      The Recreation Team will consist of six members.

2.      This team will plan and promote recreational activities

for the various groups of the church. When and if a department or organization needs counsel on activities for their parties or socials, they may contact this team for suggestions and assistance. This team will be in charge of all recreational facilities, recreation fields and equipment.

3.      The team shall annually plan, promote, and execute a

church wide Fall Festival Event in October, Easter Egg Hunt in the Spring and Sunday Evening Summer Activities

K. Counting Team

The Counting Team will consist of six to eight persons, one acting as the Team Leader. This team will be responsible for counting the offerings collected during Sunday school, Worship, Revival, and all special offerings of the church. They will organize themselves in such a way that two or more are present when the offerings are counted. They will keep a ledger of all offerings and make sure that the money is properly deposited. The team and/or Financial Secretary will validate the deposit by checking the deposit receipt with their ledger record and then will turn in the deposit slip to the church Treasurer.

L.   Children and Youth Team

The Children and Youth Team will consist of at least six persons, one acting as the Team Leader. The team will be an advocate for the children and youth of the church, working to insure that quality programs of Christian education and social activities are planned and implemented. They shall organize themselves into groups as needed to focus on Children Ministries and Youth (grades 6-12) ministries for Bible Study, Missions Learning and Social/Fellowship opportunities. They should utilize the other teams as needed and welcome the assistance of the general church membership in carrying out their duties

M.  Nursery/Extended Session Team

1.      The Nursery/Extended Session Team will consist of at

least six persons, one acting as the Team Leader. It will be the responsibility of this team to secure workers for the nursery for all worship services as well as special services as needed. They will be responsible for the general oversight of the nursery facilities and will ensure that the church has adequate furnishings and supplies to meet the needs of the infants.

2.      This team will be responsible for securing workers for

extended session.  They will work with the Education Team to plan activities and secure curriculum for Extended Session.

N.   Hospitality Team

1.      The Hospitality Team will consist of at least six

persons, one acting as the Team Leader. It will be the responsibility of this team to ensure that the kitchen is kept stocked with adequate supplies and that preparation is made for meals planned by the church. It will also be responsible for making sure that the fellowship hall is left in an orderly manner following such events.

2.      It will be the responsibility of this team to prepare the

fellowship hall for use by bereaved families as requested.

3.      The team will lead in the planning and preparation for

the annual Homecoming meal and other special fellowships as requested


Section 5: Church Council

    The church council will consist of the Pastor, Clerk, Chair of the Deacons, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, S.S. Director, Discipleship Director, W.M.U. Director, Baptist Men Director, Music Director, all Team Leaders and all other Ministerial Staff. The responsibility of the Church Council will be to prepare an annual and quarterly church calendar.  They will coordinate the use of the church fellowship hall in the absence of a pastor.



Church Financial Plan


Section 1: Income

     A. The church membership will support the church with tithes and offerings.

     B. Tithes and offerings will be received each Lord’s Day morning in Sunday school and the Worship hour.

    C. All tithes, offerings and gifts will be handled by the Counting Team according to the guidelines set forth in Article IV, Section K of the Bylaws.

     D. A gift given for a special purpose must be used for that purpose if at all possible and practical.


Section 2: The Church Budget

    A. The Stewardship Team will propose a budget to be presented to the church at a special business meeting in September for adoption.

    B. The budget will be an itemized budget, which will provide for all of the financial needs of the church, its organizations and


    C. The church authorizes the following annual special church-wide offerings: Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions; Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions; the Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions; Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions Offering; Goshen Association Annual Offering; and any special offerings as deemed prudent by the Pastor, Deacons and the church. This does not rule out individuals making special designated offerings at any time the Spirit of God may move them.



Section 3: Expenditures

    A. Budgeted items may be spent without further action by the church, providing the income of the church meets the needs of the budget.

    B. All questions relative to the expenditures of monies not provided for in the church budget of any amount must come as a recommendation to the Stewardship team. It will be discussed by the Stewardship team and acted upon. If the money is available the matter will be presented to the church at a regular quarterly business meeting for final action.

   C. Any money received in excess of the budget demand will be expended as decided by vote of the church, upon a recommendation from the Stewardship Team.

    D. All money received as designated funds must be so respected and placed on the item for which designated.


Section 4: Purchases

A.     A purchase order , receipt and/or check request voucher

will be required by the church Treasurer before issuing any checks except in the case of fixed items, such as salaries, utilities, one-time payments, loan payments, etc.

B.     All expenditures must be approved by the Team Leader and

turned in to the treasurer within 90 days.


Section 5: Reports

    A. The Church Treasurer will prepare a written report on the itemized budget and present it to the church each quarter in the regular business meeting. This report will also include a summary of the receipts and expenditures not budgeted originally, but voted upon by the church.

    B. The Church Treasurer will prepare an annual report of the church’s finances, and present the report to the church at the October business meeting each year.

    C. The books of the Church Treasurer will be audited in November each year and the Auditing Team will present its written report to the church at the regular quarterly business meeting in January.


Section 6: Restrictions

    There will not be held in the name of the church any sales of merchandise for the purpose of raising money for the regular church budget. Special fund raising for a specific purpose or ministry/mission opportunity, (i.e. Youth activities, Mission Trips, etc.) must be reviewed and approved by a majority of the Deacons upon the recommendation of the appropriate Team.




Amendments and the Revision of the Constitution


Section 1: Amendments

    The Constitution and its Bylaws may be amended at a regular business meeting of the church by two-thirds of the members present and voting; provided such amendment(s) has been read at the previous regular business meeting of the church and presented to the clerk in written form.


Section 2: Revision of the Constitution and Bylaws

    The Constitution and Bylaws of this church are to be revised if necessary, by a committee elected by the church every five years, the next revision beginning in October 2014 to be completed in that church year, and continuing each succeeding five year period thereafter.






Section 1: Additional Officers and Teams

    A. It is to be understood that no part of this constitution is intended to restrict the church in electing or appointing additional officers and teams when advisable.

    B. Such additional officers and teams however, will not supplant other officers and teams unless the constitution has been amended.


Section 2: The Library Bulletin Board

    The Library Bulletin Board will have affixed to it at all times a current copy of this Constitution and Bylaws, a current list of all church officers, church teams, active Deacons along with the date of their expiration of active service, and a copy of the Church Covenant.


Section 3: Distribution of Constitution and Bylaws

    Copies of the Constitution and Bylaws will be made available to each church member and will be given to new members.


Section 4: The Cemetery Association

        The Cemetery Association will consist of five persons, three trustees and two members elected by the cemetery association. One will serve as the President of the Cemetery Association and one will serve as the Secretary-Treasurer. Members of the association will have the oversight of the cemetery and all of its legal implications. The association will give an annual report to the church concerning the overall condition of the cemetery as well as a financial statement at the January business meeting.


Section 5: Mount Gilead Baptist Preschool

      As a ministry of Mount Gilead Baptist Church, the church will provide the facility, utilities, insurance and general support of Mount Gilead Baptist Preschool.  The Pastor and Preschool Board will represent the church in the general oversight of the preschool.  The Director of the Preschool will have oversight of the day to day activities and operation of the school.

The Mount Gilead Baptist Preschool Board will consist of four church members and the Pastor.  Vacancies on the board will be filled by the board selecting a replacement from the church membership.  Of those on the board 2 members will be chosen by the board to be chairman and treasurer, who will offer regular reports to the church at regular Business meetings.  The Treasurer will provide an annual financial statement to the church at the January business meeting. The Church Audit Team will be available to the Preschool Treasurer for the audit of the records in February or March of each year.  Preschool staff will consist of a Director and Teachers which will be hired by the Preschool Board. The Director of the Preschool will be present and give reports at the preschool board meetings. 



Section 6: The Church Covenant

      The Church Covenant will be read at least twice per year (fall and spring) during worship service.




Ratified by vote of the congregation on February 21, 2010.